Our E-learning platforms are developed according to the brand guidelines of our Clients. Users can watch the educational live event or the educational videos and take the test. After they have successfully achieved a passing score on their test, a course certificate will be instantly generated. Questions that were answered incorrectly in previous attempts will be listed for them, so they can go back, watch again the videos, correct their answers and resubmit their test.
our services
- Creating a web page of the training event, or an educational platform accessible after login and filling a registration form
- Direction of the educational event
- Recording and broadcasting the educational live event
- Mailing to all participants and speakers
- Technical assistance to online speakers before and during the educational event
- All the speeches available to the users anytime
- Real-time updated users’ database available to the Organizer
- User database updated in real time

The videos produced by Clarius Med can be devised both for training or marketing purposes. The tutorials we produce for our Clients are not simple videos, but interactive tools, divided into chapters, which guarantee the uniformity and capillarity of operating protocols anywhere in the world. Thanks to our native translators and speakers, we can produce educational videos for users from any continent, enriched with 2D and 3D animations; in the same way, if you already have videos in one language and need to use them in other countries, Clarius Med can dub them and change the graphics.
our services
- Shooting studio
- Camera crews
- Dubbing in all European languages, in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Brazilian
- 2D and 3D animations
- 2D and 3D animations
- Self-test areas
- User database updated in real time